The Bible is the basis of who we are, what we believe, and everything we do. We are committed to preaching, teaching, counseling, sharing and living by the sufficiency of God’s Word because it contains everything we need for life and godliness. The power for real life change exist through the Word, not our ideas, thoughts, or opinions. God’s Word is written in ink while our plans and theologies are in pencil.
Prayer is communicating with God and an indispensable part of our relationship with Him. We believe that prayer is a fundamental demonstration of faith and dependence upon God. We are committed to modeling and practicing a lifestyle of prayer, as well as, to teaching biblical principles of prayer within the entire church family. It is our conviction that this lifestyle of prayer should overflow into all our relationships. It is our desire that prayer be practiced in a variety of settings and in the various ministries of our church family. We are committed to praying together as leaders and for our leaders on a regular basis in order to seek the Lord’s guidance and do His will as we pursue ministry to the Glory of Christ.
As a New Testament church family we value our relationship to God and join together in corporate, celebratory worship as a place for each person to experience the reality and presence of God. Through worship we seek to enter His presence to magnify, exalt, give thanks, honor, and to glorify God, recognizing who He is and what He has done.
We desire to intentionally contact people outside our church doors, so that they may connect with God’s people, while being introduced to Jesus. This is accomplished by:
A. Cultivating relationships through creating large and small group activities that allow the church to contact unchurched people outside of our regular services and programming.
B. Planting seeds of love through organized events that are attractive to the unchurched/non-Christian people of our community so the Good News about Jesus will be clearly communicated to them.
Love is the foundation to fulfilling the purpose of God (Matthew 22:37-40) both in our relationship with Him and with others. We desire to be a community of believers, who treat others with the same extravagant grace that God has lavished upon us, and we yearn to demonstrate this grace in our individual communities, our city and around the world in a way that is transparent, real and helpful. We are blessed to be a blessing to each other, the city of Haines City, and the world.
We believe that God expects His church to be a community in which loving relationships are built. Therefore, we are committed to encourage, help, and show kindness to one another.
A Commitment to Unity
We are committed to a diverse unity in our personal relationships, our ministry forms, and our theological systems. We value unity within sound Biblical doctrine, and a spirit of humility with a non-divisive spirit. We want to reflect the indivisible yet diverse unity of the Father, Son and Spirit, and freedom to be continually reforming so that we can be a fuller reflection of our triune God.
We exist to glorify God and
do good to others.
We believe we glorify God and do good to others when we see the spiritual and personal life-change that results from doing our Mission.
Lead spiritual seekers into fully developed ministers of Christ.
We believe that fully developed ministers of Christ will grow from the rich soil of the life-change produced by spiritually hungry people carrying-out our strategic Vision.
To be a worshipping community of ministering believers committed to exalting the Lord, evangelizing the lost, educating learners, equipping leaders, and extending Christ’s love to the people groups of the world.
We believe that our Vision will be fulfilled as we accomplish effective ministries of worship, evangelizing, educating, equipping, and doing missions, and as we all aspire to attain the spiritual and relational commitments that our Values call us to.